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February 28, 202430 simple spring cleaning tips

With spring just around the corner, now is the perfect time to clean up our living space. 在家里或公寓里感觉良好和照顾好我们宝贵的生活环境是至关重要的. This begins with ensuring our home is clean and wholesome.


为了不要在我们需要完成的任务面前太快放弃, we have prepared a list of thirty little spring cleaning tips to do to clean, sort and purify your home in depth, 你可以在一个月的时间里每天完成一项任务, so as to stay motivated.


To help you with your big cleanup, ATTITUDE's Nature + Technology™ range has everything you need! 选择包括清洁剂,洗衣粉,和洗洁精配制超过 94.9% naturally derived ingredients, EWG VERIFIED™ and vegan. 


该系列的所有产品都是按照最高质量标准开发的,并设计成 effectively clean your home由于植物衍生的表面活性剂以其清洁和发泡特性而闻名. 


In order to minimize the ecological footprint, 产品有方便的生态填充,比传统的瓶子少使用80%的塑料. 塑料瓶由HDPE塑料#2制成,这是最容易回收的. 


Ready to take the challenge?


Room by room cleaning list


Kid helping clean kitchen | ATTITUDE



Day 1. Clean the surfaces


Using an all-purpose cleaner在美国,从桌子到柜台再到橱柜顶部,所有的东西都要刷洗.


Day 2. Scouring the appliances


Clean the exterior of your appliances and small appliances with an effective grease cleaner. The oven, refrigerator, coffee maker, microwave ... nothing must be forgotten! The oven and microwave knobs can also be disinfected, as well as the refrigerator and freezer handles.


Day 3. Wash the sink


Is the sink often forgotten in your regular cleaning sessions? To make it shine clean, nothing could be simpler: cut a lemon in half, 在水槽上撒上盐或小苏打,把柠檬摊平,擦遍水槽. Rinse it off with plenty of lukewarm water and there you go! Your sink is clean, shiny and good to go!


Day 4. Sort the food


Take EVERYTHING out of your cupboards, refrigerator and freezer, 还要密切关注食品的保质期和一般状况. Compost anything that is expired and recycle cardboard packaging.


Day 5. Classify the drawers


这些著名的杂七杂八的餐具抽屉,洗碗布和烤箱手套 ... we take it all out of the drawers and we classify everything! It will be much easier to find your way around afterwards. 趁这个机会清洗一下抽屉底部,把你的烤箱手套洗一洗!


Day 6. Organize the pantry


您可能已经猜到,这里重复了这个原则:我们清空所有东西, we sort it all, assess it and we put it away. This is the key to a successful spring cleaning! 你也可以借此机会盘点一下你所拥有的东西,以避免浪费. And why not replace what is missing as you go along with its bulk equivalent?


Bed undone | ATTITUDE



Day 7. Sort clothing items


在整理衣服时,一个很好的经验法则是问问自己,我们在过去的一年里是否穿过这件衣服. If the answer is no, we donate it. 如果有问题的衣服太旧了,不能捐赠或修理, we try to find a second purpose for it, such as using it to make scouring cloths, for example.


Day 8. Wash the bedding


We clean everything with a gentle laundry soap! Sheets, duvets, pillows, mattress covers, decorative cushions ... everything! Of course, don’t forget to follow the washing instructions for each item如果天气好,你可以把所有的东西挂在晾衣绳上,以节省能源 ... and enjoy the fresh scent of your bedding!


Day 9. Classify fashion accessories


Jewelry, shoes, handbags and hats all over the place? 我们花时间解开所有的东西,并以一种吸引人的方式安排它. 我们借此机会清洁鞋底和处理皮革制品的皮革. You will see; it is very satisfying (and budget-friendly) to shop ... in our own closet!


Minimalistic bathroom | ATTITUDE



Day 10. Deep cleanse


We start by cleaning the sink, toilet bowl, tub and shower with an appropriate cleaner. Then we clean the tiles, the counter and cabinets, as well as the mirrors. We want everything to be sparkling clean!


Day 11. Sort cosmetics


我们从抽屉和橱柜里拿出化妆品和护肤品,检查它们的有效期和保质期。. 这是化妆品包装上常见的符号,表示打开后产品被认为可以安全使用的时间. To dispose of our cosmetics, 我们首先把它们的东西倒进垃圾桶(而不是在水槽或厕所里). Then, we rinse their packaging carefully, we recycle what is appropriate and we look for a TerraCycle box 在我们的社区有效地回收什么不直接进入垃圾箱.


Day 12. Dispose of expired medicines


要处理过期药物,需要先将药丸从容器中倒出来. Most of these can be recycled, 而药品必须在当地药房实验室负责任地处理.


Day 13. Wash the shower curtain and the bathmat


Does our shower curtain have traces of moisture? We unhook it and we clean it thoroughly. Does the bathmat have a weird smell? Put it in the washer and hang it up to dry.


Woman cleaning a lamp with a cloth | ATTITUDE



Day 14. Sort books


Books easily collect dust. 每次我们选一本小说读的时候,最好的不打喷嚏的方法是什么? 我们只保留最少的书,也就是那些我们肯定会再次查阅的书. Then, 我们根据一个系统来组织它们,使我们很容易找到我们要找的东西(按字母顺序), for example). 当我们拥有的东西很少的时候,维护我们的财产要容易得多!


Day 15. Clean the furniture 


In addition to dusting and washing surfaces, we vacuum sofas, couches, and if we can, wash the sofa-covers!


Day 16. Disinfect remote controls


Remote controls ... these objects so often handled but so rarely cleaned! Spring cleaning is the perfect timing to get into the good habit of disinfecting them with an appropriate spray once a week.



Office space | ATTITUDE



Day 17. Disinfect electronic gadgets


... 我们的键盘、鼠标、平板电脑、手机等等也是如此!


Day 18. File the paperwork


在报税的时候,我们有没有意识到我们的归档系统不存在或者不充分? We find a filing system that suits us (by year, by category, etc.) and we stick to it! 现在投入的时间将为我们节省大量的时间! Our future self will thank us.


Day 19. Empty and file the "catch-all drawer"


EVERYBODY has one. 这个著名的抽屉,我们放邮件,回形针,充电器,电池 ... the time has come to empty it, classify it, 并且把所有不需要的东西都扔掉.




Day 20. Dust the radiators




Day 21. Wash the curtains


Curtains can also accumulate dust mites and pet hair. Pop them in the clothes washer, then, 把它们挂在柱子上,这样就不会有难看的折痕.


Day 22. Shampoo the carpets


Vacuuming our short-pile and long-pile rugs is good enough, but it's even better to shampoo them every once in a while, to remove stubborn stains and odors. And what better timing for this than spring cleaning!


Day 23. Clean baseboards and moldings


Using a cloth and an all-purpose cleaner我们会绕着踢脚板和模具走一圈,确保掸掉所有的灰尘. It's also a good way to see if these require a paint touch-up!


Day 24. Disinfect door handles


How many handles do you touch in a day? The answer is MANY. But when do you think about cleaning them? 现在是时候把这个简单的清洁技巧和必要的动作添加到你的日常生活中了! 使用有效的消毒剂,我们彻底清洁把手和锁 ... and why not take the opportunity to wash the doors, too!


Day 25. Wash windows and mirrors


白天慢慢变长了,还有什么比让尽可能多的光线进来更好的方法呢 beautiful windows with clean, streak-free panes? 我们不会忽视镜框和蚊帐,我们也会洗镜子! 为了环保清洁,使用可重复使用的布或报纸代替一次性纸巾!


Day 26. Wash the floors


We make tiles, wood, marble and all our floors shine with a floor cleaner free from concerning ingredients according to the EWG.


Day 27. Clean knick-knacks and decorative items


Trinkets and other decorative items add personality to our home. 但无论它们是纯粹的审美还是情感,我们都需要掸去它们身上的灰尘!


Day 28. Wash fans and light fixtures


无论我们的风扇是基座式的还是吊扇式的, we should remember to clean their blades regularly, so that they do not move dust unnecessarily. We also dust light fixtures and suspensions.


Day 29. Wash and disinfect garbage cans, recycling and compost bins


We take all our garbage cans and bins (indoor and outdoor), we clean them with plenty of water and we disinfect them, to avoid bad odors and the proliferation of bacteria.


Day 30. Wash the walls


我们会处理掉任何装饰墙壁的东西(画框), art, etc), and we clean them from ceiling to floor. 如果我们发现那里有任何粗糙的地方,我们就趁机抹灰和油漆!


现在你已经准备好了,开始按照我们的清洁技巧来做了, keep your goal in mind, because that feeling of living in a clean, wholesome home is so worth the effort! 如果可以的话,让你的孩子参与你的春季大扫除挑战吧. You can even make a game out of it, why not?


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Written by Team ATTITUDE